
Brattle Completes a Multilingual Project in Senegal
Dallas-based Brattle Publishing Group, in collaboration with its strategic partner RTI, has completed a key project for USAID’s Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous (RELIT) initiative. Brattle worked closely with RTI International to design innovative page layouts and production templates for a multilingual kindergarten program. The program included distinct French and Senegalese national language versions.

Brattle Publishing Celebrates Fifteen Years!
Dallas-based Brattle Publishing Group turned 15 in May. Founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 6, 2009, Brattle has conceptualized and developed innovative learning experiences for

RTI and Brattle Develop Covid-19 Radio and Television Instruction for the Philippines
Dallas, TX— Brattle Education, a division of Brattle Publishing Group® (Brattle) is working closely with Research Triangle International (RTI) to conceptualize and develop prototype content for emergency COVID-19 instruction for the Department of Education of the Philippines and USAID.

Brattle Releases Preteen Novel 1 For All by Author Sean McCollum
Dallas, TX–Brattle Trade, a Division of Publishing Group (BPG), announced the upcoming release of its new preteen novel, 1 For All, a sports book about teamwork and leadership. This exciting tale of a middle school basketball team, the Traverse Musketeers, explores the struggles of team captain J.J. Pickett and his teammates as they face their most challenging season.

Statement in Support of Equality
Since its inception, Brattle Publishing Group® has worked to promote literacy, foster equity, and celebrate diversity. Recent events in the United States and around the world have made this mission even more critical. Brattle will continue to work with our global partners to build a world where people do not face systemic discrimination or are subject to violence due to gender, race, ethnicity, identity, or sexual orientation. We will continue to support and promote those organizations that share our mission, values, and a vision of a more educated, equitable, and tolerant world.

Hex: The Apprentice Nominated for a Maine Literary Association Award
Dallas, TX – Brattle Trade, a division of Brattle Publishing Group,® is pleased to announce that its newest release, Fran Hodgkins’ Hex: The Apprentice, has been chosen as a finalist in the 2020 Maine Literary Awards, Young People’s Literature category.

Brattle Education and RTI Kick Off Okuu Keremet! Project in Kyrgyzstan
Dallas, TX— Brattle Education, a division of Brattle Publishing Group® has been chosen by Research Triangle International (RTI) as a collaborative partner on the Okuu Keremet! Project, a teacher-training program in Reading and Mathematics instruction and supplemental reading development for the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Brattle Releases the First Novel in a New Preteen Series by Award-Winning Author Fran Hodgkins
Dallas, TX – Brattle Trade, a division of Brattle Publishing Group, LLC, announces the release of Hex: The Apprentice, the first in a new series from author Fran Hodgkins.