Ages 8 to 13
A Raccoon’s Game: Seven Saves the Notch
by Fran Hodgkins
Embark On a Board Game Adventure to Save an Endangered Forest!
According to animal legend, a clever raccoon is born with seven rings on her tail on a night with a bright copper moon. This raccoon is destined to save a mythical forest called the Notch.
Join in the action when you play Seven Saves the Notch, an exciting new board game for 2-4 players, ages 8+.
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Visit presale.sevensavesthenotch.com to learn more.
A Game and An Award Winning Book!
This exciting board game is based on the escapades of Seven-Rings Moon and her friends, brought to life in the award-winning book, A Raccoon’s Tale: Seven Saves the Notch by Fran Hodgkins.
Where to Buy
“It is awesome fun and you want to keep playing.”
Beta Tester, age 11
“My favorite part of the game is the tail rings!”
Beta Tester, age 10
About Fran Hodgkins
Fran Hodgkins, author of A Raccoon’s Tale: Seven Saves the Notch, was born in Massachusetts, the youngest of four children. As a child, she loved animals and books—especially books! The neighborhood branch library was one of her favorite haunts, and she spent hours there, reading her way through the children’s collection.
Game Design: Mat C. Wolff and Brattle Publishing